Hi, I'm the 4th Page,
We start off here with a game called hide and seek. It all starts here in the first chapter of Jonah. There was a group of mean, cruel, and nasty people called the Ninevites. God wanted Jonah to go to the people and tell them of their coming judgement unless they repented. Jonah wanted to 'play' as some little kids would say it, but we all know that Jonah didn't want them to get saved. He wanted to be rid of them. So he sails to the complete other direction, pays money, and leaves his friends and family just to make sure a nation would be destroyed. Jonah should of decided to play a different game 'cause God found him like we would find our index finger. God decides its time to put Jonah in the 'timeout' chair, and the timeout chair decides to be a fish. A giant fish. Now here is the real crazy part: It takes Jonah 3 days to find out in the stomach acid of a whale that he was wrong. 3 days. God has him vomited out (because the only other way out was through the gas tank) and Jonah goes to Ninevah. Jonah tells the nation of their judgement then goes out of the city probably getting a lawn chair, a Pepsi, and having a foam finger in his hand saying, "God's #1!" waiting for the city to go ka-boom. Okay, maybe not the whole lawn chair part and the rest, but he sat down and waited for the city to be wiped out, but little did he know that the city had repented of their sins and started to become righteous. Jonah was mad, he wanted to see the city be destroyed. Is it possible for a man to be angry at God's grace and mercy? Even when He had done the same for that person? It is, but it is certainly not right. Don't be like Jonah who had a second chance but got mad when the same was done for another. We all deserve 2nd chances. Take this to heart and have a blessed day.
The 4th Page